
Hello there,

Hello guys, it's been a while!!
Sorry for not updating this blog such a long time... lazy girl.
It's a lovely sunny day today here in Tokyo. Finally spring has come! oh I'm feeling damn good. My friends are gonna have a picnic on this weekend, already too much excited about it : )

Actually, last few months that I didn't get in touch with you were really like "international" for me. Cause some of my foreign friends were coming here, I showed them around Tokyo and some other places. On February my Vietnamese friends visited me, and also my boyfriend's family from England arrived here last month then they were staying in japan over the last three weeks. Sounds international huh? Of course struggled with communicating in english though|o| Not only I visited lots of places around Tokyo but went to Kyoto with his family, that was all absolutely amazing : )

Still my english is rubbish, but I'm strongly motivated to learn english anyways |o|
Now relaxing at starbucks close to my home. Obviously I'm broken because of statbucks. No coffee no life. Anyway gonna update soon! Have a nice day♡

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